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What is Breathwork Metamorphosis?

The Emergence of Breathwork Metamorphosis

Breathwork Metamorphosis started marinating within me in the summer of 2019. I was finishing up with teaching a Shamanic Breathwork™ facilitator training with a fabulous group of extremely talented women. After a year and a half of healing and sharing together, we were spending a final week at my home sanctuary outside Portland, Oregon in breathwork ceremonies and integration practices. During that time I found myself unable to sleep at night as something incredibly powerful was gestating from inside me. My creative energy was waking me up sweaty in the middle of the night and I felt my inner wild woman becoming stronger and more vivacious as I waited eagerly to greet this newly emerging form.

Giving Birth to Breathwork Metamorphosis

What was birthed was beyond my wildest imagination. An initiation of breathwork came through that powered the solar plexus and activated participants with a willingness to not only journey and reclaim their life force, but also to get out into the world and create what seemed like near-immediate positive results and changes to their external circumstances. It took all my courage, and yet I said yes to the call asking me to share this new tool for transformation as far and wide as I could. My bravery was rewarded as I watched my weekly breathwork sessions go from an average of 7 participants to squeezing in nearly three times that and having people on a waitlist and folks from all around the globe reaching out to connect with me!

A Brief History of Breathwork

For those new to breathwork, it’s a modality rumored to have been around for nearly 40,000 years. It has been used by yogis, shamans, and teachers of Buddhism and martial arts like Tai Chi. In the 1960s breathwork returned to the scene in the Western hemisphere through the teachings of Leonard Orr and Stanislav Grof who created Rebirthing Breathwork and Holotropic Breathwork, respectively.

Many other types of breathwork have emerged in the West since then, including Shamanic Breathwork™, which I facilitated and taught for almost twenty years. There’s also Holotropic Breathwork, Transformational Breathwork, Breatharian Healing, The Wim Hof Method, Respiracion Evolutiva, Biodynamic Breathwork, Integrative Breathwork, Vivation, Zen-Yoga Breathwork, Radiance Breathwork, Clarity Breathwork, Bioenergetics, Mána Breathwork…and this is just to name a very small percentage of what is out there.

How to Choose the Breathwork That is Right for You?

When choosing the right breathwork for you without a doubt follow your heart and intuition! Breathwork is a practice that is personal to the practitioner. I highly recommend experiencing your first session with an experienced teacher who you can trust to hold a loving and safe container. Also, pay close attention to what lights you up and makes you feel enthusiastic.

Breathwork: A Natural ‘Psychedelic’ Accessing the Subconsious

People tend to push away their intuitive guidance, it is an epidemic. Our brain is wired to ‘keep us safe’….it creates its ‘threats’ since your time in utero. We tend to push away things that are uncomfortable such as traumas, conflicts, abandonment, sadness, grief, etc. BW doesn’t conjure up something new, it reveals what is already there. We have a human experience supported by the music and the BW, we are not having a BW experience……it is not separate.

We are allowing the integration with the ‘higher self’ and relaxing our minds. Call this God, Goddess, Spirit, Creator, Higher Self….whatever you call it….just let the urge to merge begin! This is where we have infinite possibilities and we learn to trust our guidance and allow our brilliant minds to serve our hearts.

There are experiences below our level of consciousness. BW reveals things that are within us; unprocessed or unacknowledged circumstances. Our bodies hold the memories and we operate unconsciously from these unresolved circumstances. You will never experience

There is a way to access waves of information and there is an opportunity to express and release trapped emotions and experiences….without the need to place it on an ‘event’. Many of our trapped and unexpressed emotions are not just ours but as empathic people, they can be another person’s or even a community or global experience.

We all have an inner healing intelligence. You will not experience anything you are not ready for. Your best experience is to completely surrender to the process and allow the breath and the music to carry you into a state of presence that is below the level of consciousness….a vast area that is our unconscious default modus operandi. We can dispel our limiting beliefs and experience a more expanded level of understanding of what humans are capable of once we move out of the programmed ego mind and its fears and limitations.

Epigenetics (which can turn off or on your DNA) is the transference of beliefs and memories that affects our operating system…..mostly hidden beliefs. There was a study done on several generations of mice that were exposed to sound/trauma and after 3 generations, they gave the new generation a peaceful surrounding and they expressed the same ‘trauma reactions’ as their predecessors.

This is why it is so important not to ‘label’ experiences in this lifetime as originating in this lifetime! It could have been passed down innocently through the sperm or the egg of the union that became you.

We embody a lot of things; the full spectrum of good and bad….and, we have the capacity to bring all of this into awareness so that we can bring a choice instead of being controlled by hidden beliefs.

“The full expression of an emotion is the funeral pyre of that emotion.”

Stan Grof creator of Holotropic Breathwork and Psychedelic researcher

It’s not the experience that we are seeking ~ it is how we bring it back and integrate into our lives. This is the key to sustainable change and transformation.

The context of what we provide is a safe and comfortable experience so that you can surrender into your full experience. We hold you in complete support and safety so that you can expand your understanding of a bigger reality as you put your ‘ego’ offline.

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