The Medicine Wheel

I stood on a slope in the great Smokey Mountains of North Carolina watching the great expansiveness of the breathtaking landscape below me. The dragon’s breath was hanging low over the trees obscuring the view the trees and allowing my mind to relax into the mystical as I waited my turn to walk the wheel.

I was in a place of ‘being lost in the mystery’ once again as I recently shed the skin of an old pattern and opened up to a new way. Surrendering to a new way is the hardest part for me. My mind wants to know the next steps and I know when I push through (an obnoxious pattern of mine), I make things much messier.

It was my turn and I allowed my 5 senses to relax and opened up my 6th sense as the predominant guide.

I stepped forward and walked in silence and allowed myself to be ‘drawn to’ each stone. It was as if each one had an energetic draw and asked to be picked. As I picked each stone for a specific placement on my wheel, I gave it no thought as I wrote each one down.

East - Lizard, South - Snow Leopard, North - Buffalo, West - Shark, Above - Penguin Below - Chicken, Center - Giraffe, Masculine - Turkey, Feminine - Bee

Each direction is representative of a certain meaning and every tradition holds different meanings…so, I won’t bore you with the details as you can research this on the internet.

I sat for about 30 minutes and allowed the messages to come through me and I used the assistance of a few animal totem books for a few of the totems I was unfamiliar with. The symbolism comes from the ancient indigenous people who were more connected to nature and its messages. I trusted in their wisdom……and, even today, I am blown away of the relevance of the meanings of this wheel and how I have been allowing it to move through me and become me.

My main reason for sharing this is for maybe just one of you to wake up to the ‘messengers’ that show up in our lives. They are around us each day if we choose to notice them. Sometimes, they are whispers and at other times, they grab us as attempt to awake us from our slumber.

We do create our realities, so why not join me and expand the mystic within you and ‘see’ the signs and the nudges all around you…….they are a reflection of your subconscious trying to awaken.

This became my prayer of surrender every morning for a few months….and, I let it go and I let it BE.

My Medicine Wheel November 2016

“ I stand tall with Creator’s heart attuned to the love pulsing throughout the universe. I use my internal radar and inner vision to see and hold the bigger picture of things. (Center-giraffe)

I awake at dawn and allow the dreams to enter consciousness and listen to the messages as I allow the symbols to speak to me like a painting of a thousand words. Dream time becomes a way shower for me with my eyes wide open. (East-lizard)

Looking in the mirror I see the green eyes of the Snow Leopard peering back to me the fears that keep me small and as I share this medicine, I challenge others to face their fears with me as we merge hearts and leap over perceived obstacles. (South-snow leopard)

I use my primal instincts and intuition as I stay focused while navigating the waters, (West-shark) asking the ancestors for grounding as I nurture the Freedom and the Wild in all things. I lie on the earth in prayer as I am shown the way to conserve my energy as I use discernment and intention while carrying the pipe. (North-Buffalo)

I raise my hands to the above and open myself to travel the dimensions while planting my feet firmly on the earth. (Above-penguin) I am the mother of creation birthing the way. I have infinite possibilities as I open this chalice of my earthly body to the creator....the I AM. I sacrifice my little self as I open to this abundance.(Below-chicken)

The I AM embodied, is the sweetness of life as long as the sun shines and I bow to the privilege of servicing the world with my empathy, wit and humor and I pledge to emanate that life is precious and pleasure is a birth right. (Feminine-Bee.  Masculine-Turkey)”

(The photo above is a drawing I did….my little kid came out with such joy to draw a turkey by tracing my hand!)



Living Life as a Ritual


Rewilding the Feminine!