Processing Emotion

Red and blue hot fire.

There are so many feelings that can be felt in our bodies at any given time. Anger. Fear. Joy. Shame. Guilt. Sadness. Passion. Pleasure. With so much talk about “feeling the feels”, how does one actually do it? In this blog post, I suggest healthy ways to process emotions (with emphasis spent on breathwork) and talk about why it is so important to give them an outlet.

E-motions are energies-in-motion and yet, most of us hold onto them. When emotions get stuck they become stuck energy in the body. It is important to move them through to completion in constructive ways; calm conversations, journaling, breathwork, exercise, and with time in nature.

If we use our emotions as our spirit guides, they will teach us to reflect on things that need our attention. When we spend time journaling, meditating, practicing breathwork, walking in quiet, or any other practice that supports the unconscious to bubble up to the surface, we live a life of continuous movement.

The crazy thing about emotions is: Emotions are Real, Yet Not Always True

Take a moment to unpack this one next time you are in an emotional state. Take a deep breath, walk away if you need to and acknowledge that you are having a real emotion. Allow the breath to breathe it through your body and allow the movement of the energy. At some point, ask yourself, “is this real or am I reacting from the past?” Be real and raw and if you are attracting others in your life that are repeating old scenarios….it’s time. It’s time to allow yourself healing and to learn the lesson. This is your liberation and you will stop attracting the energy. Be patient and kind and seek support when needed.

Breathwork is one of my favorite ways to move stagnant energy. When we come into a safe space and can breathe into our being, we are able to give life, time, and attention to those places we have walled off. We can re-visit experiences where we felt the frustration of not having a voice and we can articulate ourselves as loudly and assertively as we want. We can cry the tears that were meant to be cried years ago, and we can open up to feeling the Love that has always been present. We can clear out what we have been holding so tightly to and make way for creativity, fun, vitality, and vibrancy.

For more about Breathwork please feel free to contact me or read up about Breathwork Metamorphosis which is my favorite kind of breathwork!


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